Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Can't get enough

By the time you read this (which is unfortunately a function of me getting my lazy ass to post it) you will have probably seen the spanking new Batman trailer that is rumoured to come out this week. As much as I am trying to stay spoiler-free for the new movie (god bless you Christopher Nolan), I just can't get enough of the new promotional materials that are rearing their glorious heads all over the internet.

Whoever is in charge of Warner's viral campaign has gotten fans abuzz, running around in circles, waiting, and anticipating for the next big reveal. I'm in the middle of a lot of school stuff right now but man, I'd take part in all those treasure hunts organized by the "Joker" in a heart beat. But then so would a hundred of other random fans and I hate to lay it on you, but I gots me a life.

Anyway, while the campaign is in full swing, and rabid fans around the world today will no doubt be treated to the new trailer in London, San Francisco, New York, or Sao Paulo, you and I will have to console ourselves with these new posters.

Hot damn!

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